Real Estate investment FIRE for office worker


This site is for the people who want to make FIRE. This site will introduce the FIRE with Real estate investment.

What is FIRE

FIRE is Financial Independence Retire Early. It is life style who can choose to live enjoy without working.

Currently you may be just office worker for the company. people needs to work to earn the money every moth to alive. But if you already have more than one million USD, you can investment to S&P 500 ETF which glows average 6 % yearly. Even if you can use 4% of the money which is $ 40K every year, your base money one million USD will not be reduced because it grows 6% average.

Normal method of FIRE

As explained above, normal FIRE needs at least one million to start the FIRE. currently in the world without Japan, inflation speed up, and every living price become higher, so only one million may not be enough. For the normal office worker, making one million is very difficult, and it takes very long time. For me, it feels almost impossible.

FIRE with Real estate investment

If you start investment for Real estate, and get the monthly payment of the house, the FIRE will not be impossible. I started the real estate investment around 18 years ago, and now I own 4 building apartment, and lending 34 families. I receive the house payment each month. Of course, I borrowed money from bank, so I need to loan back some money to bank. but even reduce the loan payment, the money I receive from each house lend is almost double of my normal life cost. so I feel FIRE is just side of me.

FIRE speed up method

Even using Real estate investment, normally you need 10 years at least 5 years to make FIRE. the method need time even faster than just a office worker.

if you want to speed up more to make FIRE, you need to choose a little different way, for example, need to get capital gain with buying and selling the real estate or stuck.

